Tour Guides

There are several excursion insurance requirements for tour operators who contract with cruise lines and resort hotels, or sub-contract to other major tour companies.

Without guide insurance, outdoor guides and outfitters are exposed to more than just the elements. Leading potentially inexperienced clients into the wilderness exposes an outdoor guide to liabilities which could result in attorney fees, medical costs, or equipment theft.

Skyscraper insurance developed the Outdoor Recreation Insurance Program to provide guides with comprehensive coverage that gives them the protection they need.

Skyscraper Insurance tour guide Program can be customized to meet the needs of each outdoor guide or outfitter business. Our team can help you navigate your insurance options to find the broadest coverage for your operations and fill the gaps in your policies to protect outdoor guides.

Why do I need public liability insurance?

You will be in charge of numerous people and as such any direction you give to your clients could result in a claim if somebody was to get injured or if there was 3rd party property damage. So you will need to insure yourself against any financial loss that you may incur. You may also be contractually obligated to have your public liability insurance in place if you are going on to other peoples property. A lot of tour guides that we currently look after especially our quad bike tour companies and jet ski hire tour groups public liability insurance is required to be at a high level for local government. $10 or $20 million public liability insurance is not an uncommon amount of insurance when dealing with councils and generally they will want to be noted as an interest party on the public liability insurance certificate of currency, so that they cannot be sued by the insurer in the event that you make a claim under the policy.

As a tour operator you’ll be dealing with risk on a daily basis. On top of the typical risks that a business will face, you have the additional risks that come with your industry. For example, what happens if you have to cancel your tours due to weather or insufficient numbers? What if your licence and permit fees and conditions change unexpectedly? What if a customer gets hurt while on your tour? Here are the 3 types of insurance all tour operators need to manage these risks and protect your business.

1. Assets & revenue

While the specifics will vary depending on the nature of your tour or activity, you need to take all areas into consideration. This refers to things like:

  • Business interruption (any interruption to the business which stops the business from making money, while you still have bills to pay). It includes interruption through a key person’s illness or bad weather.

2. Liability

This type of insurance will free you from responsibility if someone gets hurt or their belongings are stolen while on your tour.

While it is very costly (the standard is $10M), most agents will refuse to resell you unless you have public liability insurance as well as all the relevant permits for business.

Remember that if you work with a third party contractor, you will need to make sure that they have public liability insurance in place as well.