Captive Solutions

Businesses have been using captives for decades as a risk management tool.

A captive insurance company is a subsidiary established by one or more commonly-owned businesses to insure the risks of the controlling entity and/or its affiliates or its individual owners. There are in excess of 5,000 captives, including group and cell captives, established in various domiciles throughout the world for the benefit of all types of industries. 

Like any other insurance company, self-insurance is subject to regulation. A captive will be subject to the same corporate governance matters as other subsidiaries in the consolidated group, including establishing a sound business plan.

Skyscraper Insurance Services’ Captive solutions are geared toward meeting the needs of our clients and their stakeholders. Our leading insurance industry expertise and captive specialization allow our professionals to focus on helping you resolve your business issues. We can help you make it all work. We have excellent working relationships with the major domicile regulators and captive management companies and are accustomed to helping you meet the demands of corporate timetables and objectives.
