Sand and Gravel Hauling

A sand and gravel haulers insurance program protects businesses and dump truck operators from paying hefty repair fees and medical bills after an accident.

if your business have been providing sand and gravel hauling services then you know that not every insurance carrier offering motor carrier insurance policies has an appetite for the specialized risks presented by carriers hauling dirt, sand or gravel. That’s why it pays to work with an insurance agency who understands your business operations and needs and has experience working with insurance companies on behalf of businesses like yours.

The type of insurance you need, often referred to as aggregate hauler coverage, is basically cargo insurance that has been specialized for dump trucks. You might suppose the term aggregate suggests that you aren’t limited to hauling any one kind of payload, and you would be right, aggregate hauler coverage protects you whether your load is dirt, sand, cement mix or gravel. There are other considerations that will shape your insurance policy needs:

  • Are you an aggregate hauler leased to a motor carrier?
  • Will you be providing services within the state or across state lines?
  • What types of commodities do you typically haul and what are the customary load weights?
  • How many units do you need to insure?
  • What is the experience of your drivers?

Answers to these and other questions will shape the insurance program that best fits your hauling business, but even then, there are other decisions and state responsibility filings to be done. Skyscraper insurance can help with those too. Here are a few insurance coverage choices that we will discuss with you:

  • Primary liability insurance (may be provided by the primary motor carrier if your have a permanently leased contractor arrangement)
  • Physical damage coverage
  • Medical payments insurance limits
  • Uninsured motorists coverage
  • Personal injury protection (sometimes abbreviated to PIP or called no-fault)
  • Motor truck cargo insurance

The insurance requirements of commercial transportation including haulers, truckers and recycling are very specific and you if you want to be sure you have the coverage for your trucking of hauling business you need to speak to experts in the field. You want to protect you assets, your loads and cover potential liability claims.

You need professionals who understand your business and can accurately assess your risk profile and arrange the right commercial transportation coverage, be it sand and gravel haulers insurance, refuse haulers insurance or garbage truck insurance.

Whether you in the business of commercial or residential waste hauling or you need cover that matches your needs and your budget. If you transport hazardous waste products you need a special policy for that. You want to be sure you are covered for physical damage, auto liability, contractual liability, spill and pollution liability and more.