States where auto theft rates increased in 2019-2020


States where auto theft rates increased in 2019-2020

The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) recently released its annual ”2019 Hot Spots Vehicle Theft Report” just in time for National Vehicle Theft Prevention Month in July. The report examines vehicle theft data from the National Crime Information Center for each of the nation’s Metropolitan Statistical Areas.

The most recent available data from 2019 reveals a promising trend: National auto thefts declined from 819,988 in 2018 to 794,019 in 2019. It follows that most states also experienced declining theft rates. However, there are a few locations where rates are moving in a negative direction.

Click through the slideshow to see the 11 states where auto theft rates increased in 2019, according to the NICB.

Preventing auto thefts

The NICB recommends drivers implement four layers of protection to mitigate theft risks.

  1. Common sense. Always remove keys from the ignition (or vehicle), lock doors, and park the car in a well-lit location.
  2. Warning devices. Installing alarms, including visible and audible alarms, is the second layer the NICB suggests. Drivers also can use tools such as column collars and steering wheel and brake locks.
  3. Immobilizing devices. Devices such as smart keys, fuse cut-offs, kill switches, wireless ignition authentication, and starter, ignition, and fuel pump disablers can prevent thieves from hot-wiring a car.
  4. Tracking devices. Tracking devices can be helpful for authorities attempting to recover a stolen vehicle. Some systems use GPS and wireless technology that allows an owner to monitor a vehicle, including when it is moved.

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