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Artisan Contractors

Tree Services (Cutting/Trimming, Stump Removal)

Once before deciding on accommodating tree insurance as a part of homeowner’s policy it is vital to consider details of the property. It is good to count the amount of young and old trees in the surrounding that can possibly pose a threat to property.

VIew Policy


When you’ve got Wallpapering Insurance from Skyscraper insurance, your business is built on a foundation of strength and protection. Which means you can worry less about risk, and focus more on growing your business.

VIew Policy

Window Cleaning

As an owner of a window cleaning business you have your hands full running your business. You’re required to manage schedules, get new customers, have payroll, plus taxes, legal and last but not least, business insurance.

VIew Policy

Siding Installation

A number of insurance companies have developed special insurance programs to address the insurance needs of Siding installation. Usually, the programs offer broad liability coverage at competitive rates and are available to smaller companies.

VIew Policy

Sign Installation

Many small sign installation carry a minimum of liability insurance and worse yet may not be covered as installers at all, let alone may have heavy restrictions in place.

VIew Policy

Artisan Contractors

Artisan contractors insurance gives protection against any financial losses that arise during work on a construction site.

If you’re in any kind of building right now, it was crafted using the skills of an artisan crafter. These skills are showcased everywhere – from the molding around the doors to the tile in your kitchen, to the plumbing in your bathroom. You can thank the work of an artisan contractor for the comfortable and aesthetically-pleasing nature of your home.

Contractors Liability sees the pride that artisan contractors take in their work every day, and we can find a specialized liability coverage plan ensuring that the artisan contractors we work with are covered in the event of an accident. We watch your assets so that you can put the time and effort into more important things.
What is Artisan Contractor’s Insurance?
An artisan in the contracting business is typically anyone who can provide a specified type of service that markedly improves a home or business. This includes:

  • Demolition/ Excavation
  • Carpenters
  • Plumbers
  • Roofers
  • Electricians
  • Security Systems
  • HVAC Contractors
  • Masonry
  • Carpenters
  • Painting Contractors
  • Drywall Carpenters

Of course, there are many more examples than just those in this list. These contractors provide services that require specialized liability needs, for each trade has its own potential for accidents and risk factors. Artisan contractors’ insurance cover injuries to the body, damages to the client or a third-party property, personal injury or injury made against the reputation of a third party, advertising injury or any sort of action taken against a competing company, and medical payments.
Why Should Artisan Contractors Choose Contractors Liability?
It’s difficult to find an insurance agency that understands what specific contractors go through. Although everyone understands what plumbers and electricians do generically, Contractors Liability has the history and the skills we need to ensure that you are covered completely and that the rate we choose is within a budget you can afford. Some of the perks of choosing artisan contractor’s insurance through Contractors Liability includes:

A custom insurance policy based on your skills and trade, ready to cover you in the event of an accident
Affordable prices on policies that provide comprehensive coverage
Customer service and support from people with a background in covering contractors and licensed insurance agents
A-rated insurance policies from insurance companies that you know and trust
