Production Coverage

Business insurance with the necessary inclusions is a much more reliable form of protection. A well-qualified agent in the Skyscraper insurance can confirm that you have the right endorsements and that riders are in place to protect pricey equipment.

Film producers face unique circumstances in the uncertain and highly competitive world of the film arts. If you have ever been involved in the production of any film, whether a short or a feature-length movie, you know that a lot can go wrong, from expensive equipment malfunctions to actors falling ill. There are also liability risks from injuries to people and damage to property on location or in the studio. Film production insurance can be the key to protecting your investments.

An independent agent in the Skyscraper insurance can help you evaluate film production insurance rates and coverage options. This network includes over 27,000 member agency locations, which means you can find a local agent right in your area. Contact a local member agent today to get the information you need protect your project.

Every film is unique, and there are a number of risks associated with different filming formats, techniques and even locations. Some productions require the use of highly technical and expensive equipment and others can be produced with little more than a compelling script and a video camera. These and other variables will affect your film insurance rates.

If you produce films full time, your needs will be different from those of someone who does a one-time project and only needs short term film production insurance.