Pressure Washing Services

If your business utilizes pressure washers in the services it provides there is no doubt that pressure washing insurance is a concern. This coverage is an absolute necessity for the true professional pressure washers.

Every pressure washing company needs Insurance. But most of us never think about it until there is a claim. That’s not the time to discover that your insurance is not working for you, and that’s not a risk you can afford to take, especially for power washers when it comes to your business. With Skyscraper insurance you will work with an experienced team that will analyze your business from top to bottom and develop options that provide you with solutions customized for the pressure washing industry. At Skyscraper insurance we ask questions that allow us to get to know you and better understand how your business operates and do what’s right for you.

Exclusive Program For Pressure Washing
Only Available From Skyscraper insurance

We have been insuring pressure washing contractors almost exclusively. We know your business, and the coverage you need to protect it. has been designed exclusively for the pressure washing industry. Here are some highlights of our program:

  • Care Custody and Control including Broad Form Property Damage. Accidents happen. This exclusive “good will” coverage protects you for customer’s property that you work on. We provide coverage without regard to legal liability. And there is also coverage to real property including buildings.
  • Blanket Additional Insured by written contract. This coverage saves you times on jobs where the property owner requires you to name them as additional insured. This important coverage is Included at no additional cost.
  • Blanket Waiver of Subrogation as required by contract. This coverage is for jobs where the property owner requires you to waive the right of recovery for loss that may occur on the property. ½ of all commercial owners require this coverage and usually cost $100.00 per job.

Practically all commercial customers of pressure washing services will ask to see some form of insurance and even customers at home should require this as well. Pressure washing insurance will really open up the market for you and put you on a level with the other professional washers so here are the basics. There are 3 main types of insurance that you should look in to:

  • liability insurance,
  • equipment insurance,
  • workers compensation.

In the case of liability insurance you are covered in cases where something goes wrong on the job resulting in damages incurred. These damages are almost certain to occur over time. You can check with an insurance broker as to your needs but most operations have liability coverage of about $1 to $2 million dollars. The equipment you use in your business also should be insured. It will be required that your equipment be insured if it is being financed but it is a good idea to ensure all of your equipment as it represents a large investment for you.