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Making a Difference: Philanthropic News in Insurance from Skyscraper Insurance, The Alliance, Invest, and More


Making a Difference: Philanthropic News in Insurance from Skyscraper Insurance, The Alliance, Invest, and More

Skyscraper Insurance is proud to spotlight the philanthropic efforts making waves in the insurance industry.

Erie Insurance has donated $1 million to the United Way of Erie County, a social impact organization dedicated to breaking the cycle of generational poverty through education in Erie, Pennsylvania. This generous donation will help launch the Community Schools Model at Erie High School, enhancing academic growth, addressing basic needs, increasing engagement, boosting attendance, and improving school culture.

The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research has rebranded after 55 years, now known as the Risk & Insurance Education Alliance, or simply The Alliance. This name change reflects their evolution and expanded services as the leading professional-development resource in the insurance industry.

Invest has awarded $20,000 in scholarships to three students pursuing insurance-related degrees. This nonprofit organization works in high school and college classrooms across the U.S. to educate, train, and attract the next generation of insurance professionals.

At Skyscraper Insurance, we believe in supporting initiatives that inspire positive change and growth within our communities.

We Share Your Vision For A Better Tomorrow.

#Insurance #Philanthropy #Education #SkyscraperInsurance #MakingADifference #CommunityImpact #FutureLeaders #Scholarships

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