Tutoring Centers

You may feel that you are already fully protected by your general business insurance policy. But your business is unique and you need a tutoring center insurance policy that protects you from its unique risks.

Contact the professionals at Skyscraper insurance for your insurance. We will work with you to design an insurance program that provides the best coverage we can find within your budget to properly protect your tutoring center.

You will want to consider the following types of insurance:

  • Workers Compensation protects your employees and gets you in compliance with state law.
  • General Liability insures your firm against property and injury claims including slander and libel.
  • Educators Professional Liability will protect you against accusations of failing to educate a student.
  • Employment Practice Liability will protect you and your firm from claims related to workplace discrimination and other malfeasance.
  • Commercial Auto will insure your hired and non-owned autos while they are used in the scope of employment.

We have been helping tutoring centers with their insurance. We understand the special needs of your business. We also have access to many business insurance markets. From them, we will select the insurance program that provides the deepest coverage for you at the most favorable cost.
