Sporting Goods

The cost for liability insurance for sports goods manufacturers is, as with all insurance, based upon the risk information received by the underwriter.

Be sure your highly valued Sporting Equipment  is Insured!

Did you know that your home insurance policy may only cover a small amount on your high-end sporting equipment?  And a claim for sports equipment could increase your home policy premiums.

Insure your sports equipment here on a separate policy for a small annual premium with a low deductible and at the proper value of your equipment.

It only takes minutes to get a quote, bind the coverage, receive your policy and protect the things you love to do.

Just as your customers have choices of where to go for their sporting goods needs, you have choices with your insurance.  It is likely that every agent who calls will tell you they can write business insurance; however, what they may not know is your business!  and, even if they know about the sporting goods store business, does the company they are placing you with know about your business?  We at Skyscraper Insurance specialize in your business.  We have the coverage’s and claims experience to handle the unique needs of a sporting goods store.  Our independent agents have all of our resources available to them to make sure you can make the right choices when it comes to the coverage you need.  Would you like to speak with one of our agency specialists?

Some policies are arranged on a package basis and these tend to provide extremely good value with broad cover at competitive premiums, whilst other policies will provide a basic level of cover and you can decide which sections of cover you require under the policy. For many sports goods manufacturers businesses the most important business insurance protection they need is an appropriate liability insurance policy and we offer a fast and very competitive quote service for the liability insurance needs of sports goods manufacturers.

As with other businesses, sports goods manufacturers are exposed to the possibility of legal action being taken against you in respect of your legal responsibility for personal injury or property damage arising during the course of your activities. Claims is respect of these liabilities can be expensive to defend and even more costly if your are found legally liable. Your sports goods manufacturers liability insurance is there to protect you against these losses by providing you with insurance in respect of awards made against you and the defense costs of any claim.
