Scaffolding Installation/Removal Services

In regard to insurance coverage, scaffolds pose difficult liability exposures. In particular, the potential workers comp losses hold great concern for the underwriters.

Scaffolding is a high risk trade. As a scaffolder, you erect temporary structures to provide stable support when work cannot be done from the ground. However, erecting structures exposes you to a number of risks, including the risk of falls and collapsing of scaffolds. Apart from this, scaffolding exposes the public to risks by the collapse of faulty structures, or injuries from the tools being used on-site.

There are a number of risks for sole traders, contractors & businesses operating as scaffolding. Most of these hazards are associated with the erection, use, maintenance, alteration, and dismantling of scaffolding.

Sole traders, contractors and businesses operating as scaffolder face the risk that scaffolds may cause damage to property and public, plus damage to surrounding property. Goods in transit, slips, trips and falls, electrocution and theft of equipment are also risks for scaffolding.

Construction workers, painting contractors, and window washers are some of the industries that use scaffolding and rigging.

Once you decide that it is time to obtain general liability insurance, you will probably wonder how and where do you go to get it. The answer is simple our conveniently located, so it can be accessed by private vehicle or commuter vehicle. We are a fully operational insurance brokerage that employees qualified, knowledgeable and very help brokers. When you visit or contact our office, we will pair you with one of these brokers, which will help you create an insurance plan that will fit your company to a tee.

If you work as a scaffolding contractor, there is no doubt that you’re taking enormous risks each and every day. While you might work as carefully as possible, those around you might be careless. While you’re working up high, there is a possibility that a client will step underneath the scaffolding. If you’re not careful, there is a possibility that something will fall form the scaffolding and it could cause serious harm to the client. The falling object could also cause serious damage to the property. As you probably already know, your company is going to be held responsible. Even if it was another employee’s fault, your company will be blamed for the damage or personal injury.
