Plumbing Supplies and Plumbing Fixtures Store Insurance
If you own and operate a plumbing supplies and plumbing fixtures store, you are susceptible to a variety of risks. The products you sell include pipe fittings and pipes, plumbing tools, faucets, cabinets, sinks, shower units, bathtubs and many other tools or accessories. You are at risk for theft, vandalism and property damage from things like natural disasters, fire and extreme weather conditions. If you want to protect your business, start by getting plumbing supplies and plumbing fixtures business insurance.
The plumbing fixture industry is already a major field that’s worth more than $8 billion. But over the next couple of years, it’s expected to increase by over 6 percent annually, resulting in an industry that’s worth about $12 billion. If you want to make sure your store is ready for this growth, it’s time to obtain the following types of coverage in your plumbing fixture supply store insurance policy.
Generally, your fixtures and fittings are covered by your landlord buildings insurance, but in some cases – for example if you own a flat and the buildings insurance is arranged by the freeholder – you may decide to take out a policy to cover your fixtures and fittings.
Even though public liability insurance is not a legal requirement, it is well worth having. It covers any financial liabilities that may arise as a consequence of your work. So, for example, if a pipe leaks following a job and damage is caused to the building, the policy would pay the agreed amount of compensation to the customer.