
At skyscraper Insurance & Employee Benefits we think a key to providing proper plant nursery insurance protection is to understand your nursery business and the industry as a whole.

Some nurseries have been family businesses for two or more generations. Other nurseries are newer start-up operations that are trying to take advantage of the fallout from the financial failure of very large national nursery operations. Regardless of your size, or age, or product mix, choosing proper business insurance for nurseries is a necessary activity that takes place every year you are in operation.

Choosing an insurance partner may seem a simple enough activity, but in reality, choosing the right insurance partner to insure your nursery business can be a challenge.

Insuring a nursery business is not like insuring a home or auto, or even an apartment building or restaurant. If you were able to find an insurance company and agent who understood some of the challenges you face, and had answers for you as to how to handle those challenges, would that help the process?

We are an insurance company that understands the nursery industry. We are an insurance company that specializes in insurance for nurseries of all types and sizes. You have found the right insurance company.
