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Details of the scheme will be sent to you upon completion of your new memorial. Alternatively, please contact one of our offices and details can be posted to you.

Damage can occur to a memorial, accidentally or, sadly in our times, deliberately.

For peace of mind about repairing or replacing the memorial if it is damaged or defaced, memorial insurance is available.

It is a sad reflection on society today that memorials do suffer vandalism. These attacks are not restricted to grand or elaborate memorials – he simplest family stones can be the target of malicious attacks or are accidentally damaged.

Claims have been paid in the past as a result of:

  • Falling trees
  • Storm damage
  • Lawnmower impact
  • Graffiti
  • Accidental damage
  • Malicious damage

Established headstones and memorials can also be insured through Stone guard, provided that cover is based on today’s replacement value.

