
Home insurance protects your biggest investment from the unknown. Choose a company you can trust at a price you can afford. Get a home insurance quote.

As a Home Insurance Broker, Skyscraper Insurance works with multiple top rated insurance companies to bring you low rates, excellent protection, top notch service and instant online quotes on Auto, Home & Much More!  When it comes to choosing a home insurance broker for your homeowners, there are many choices so here’s what sets us apart from other home insurance brokers. First and foremost it’s the savings we’re able to provide. Through the years, we have worked with dozens of homeowners insurance companies that promise to provide cheap insurance rates. Over time, we have narrowed those companies down to about a dozen that truly do offer cost savings without compromising protection or service. Our years of experience ensure that you’re getting the right price from the right company. Secondly, we provide instant online quotes in just minutes to help save you time as well as money. Our online rater will instantly provide personalized insurance quotes from all the companies we work with allowing you to save both time & money. Finally, as a home insurance broker we understand that we provide a service and our business strives on that service being nothing short of excellent. Our rates and ease of quoting is there to earn your business but it’s our level of service that will help us keep you as a client for years to come. So when it comes to choosing the right home insurance broker to work with, Skyscraper Insurance is a clear winner!


There are many benefits of using an insurance broker such as saving money.  Skyscraper Insurance are not selling you their own product and don’t only have one product that they sell. A Homeowners Insurance Broker usually works with many companies that are competing for your business and we all know that when businesses compete, consumers win. Since home insurance brokers don’t sell just one company, finding affordable rates is easy and since they’re not the insurance company you can rest assured that their opinion is unbiased. Every company rates risks as they see fit and one company can choose to not give you such a great rate but when you use a homeowners insurance broker we can just go on to the next company that is offering you cheap rates. You also get someone there to assist you should you ever need anything such as changes to your policy or help with a claim. You always have the option of contacting the carrier directly but you also have a insurance broker on your side to help whenever you need it.



By definition, a broker is someone that represents the client and not the company.  A home insurance broker’s job is to represent their client and not to represent the company.  Skyscraper Insurance is a national Auto Insurance Broker, Home Insurance Broker as well as a broker for many other lines of insurance.

