Farmer’s Markets

At Skyscraper insurance, we hope to be a part of a movement to buy food from local farmers, gardeners, and chefs. Product liability insurance is essential to the financial security of farmers market vendors in the 21st century. Often, though, farmers market vendors have trouble finding insurance tailored to their needs at affordable prices.

As the trend toward eating locally grown and harvested foods is growing in popularity, so too is the demand for farmers markets. These markets enable people to select and purchase fresh produce and other food products that are grown or created by farmers who are situated in or near their own communities. If you run a farmers market or if you are a farmer who rents booths as a vendor, you can limit your risk of financial losses by purchasing an appropriate farmers market insurance portfolio.

Who Needs To Buy Farmers Market Insurance?

Farmers markets typically include a variety of vendors who run booths in a single, centralized location. Whether you are a vendor or you run the farmers market, you will want to consider purchasing insurance coverage that protects your business interests in the event of a disaster. Because both the vendor and the business entity running the farmers market as a whole can be named in a liability lawsuit, each will need to be covered by commercial insurance in order to be protected.

The most important thing is that you understand what is and is not already covered by existing policies and that you get appropriate coverage to protect yourself against any exposures you may have. An independent insurance agent can help you make these determinations.

What Types of Coverage Should You Consider When Building Your Portfolio?

There is a variety of policy options that are available to you, and depending on your situation, many may make sense for protecting your business interests. Be sure to discuss the following insurance types with your insurance agent:

  • Business property insurance for vendors: Farmers markets are typically canceled if severe weather is in the forecast. However, if a freak storm or unexpected accident should occur, vendors risk loss or damage to the inventory of products they brought to sell. This loss is typically not going to be terribly large, however, so insurance coverage may not be necessary. An independent agent can help determine whether your product value warrants coverage and, if so, whether you need to purchase insurance beyond what is already covered in your farmers insurance portfolio.
  • Business property insurance for farmers markets: If you are running a farmers market, your business property likely consists of booths that you rent out and perhaps a computer system. You can require your vendors to carry insurance to cover damage to the booths, or you can purchase your own insurance coverage to cover your business inventory, or both. An independent insurance agent can advise you about what makes the most sense in your situation.
  • Premises liability insurance: Farmers markets are usually held, with permission, in the parking lots of established businesses. While these businesses likely carry premises liability insurance, they frequently require those running the farmers market to purchase premises liability insurance as well. These costs are typically absorbed by increasing the booth fees for vendors. Because anyone can be named in a liability lawsuit, vendors are advised to purchase premises liability coverage as well. The rates for this coverage should not be substantial.
  • Product liability insurance: If you are a vendor at a farmers market, coverage against lawsuits stemming from illnesses or injuries caused by products that you sell is likely already covered under your farmers insurance portfolio. If you own the business entity that organizes and runs the farmers market, you also may be named in a liability lawsuit stemming from tainted or unsafe food products being sold by your vendors, so you will need to ensure that you have sufficient product liability coverage through your commercial general liability insurance.

