
The company says it starts buyers out with Fabric Instant because accidents pose the single greatest risk of death for people ages 25 to 44. However, accidents don’t cause more deaths than all other causes put together.

Fabric Insurance is a startup life insurance agency that offers both accidental death insurance and term life insurance policies. Fabric is online-first, but it has a customer service team of agents that receive outstanding reviews for their prompt and professional advice. Fabric’s core product is its accidental death insurance, called “Instant,” which can be purchased in minutes through their simple-to-use website.

Fabric Insurance has no agents and sells only online. It takes a different tack from most companies by offering accidental death insurance as a starter policy. Buyers then can upgrade to term life insurance after purchasing accidental death coverage.

To purchase coverage on Fabric, users sign up first for Fabric Instant, an accidental death policy. Accidental death insurance pays out only if the insured person dies in an accident, not from any other cause, such as cancer. The buyer can keep the accidental death policy until age 60, or until purchasing Fabric’s term life policy.
