Credit Counseling

Whether you work in financial education or debt management, as a credit and debt counselor you know that clients come to you when they're in dire straits.

We offer credit counseling to our members as well as non-members, but if you’re not a member we believe that you’ll realize the value that we provide and will become a member.  Credit counseling is a one-on-one session where we provide you with a free credit report, explain what is a credit report, what is a credit score, what affects your credit score, and if necessary, how to improve your credit score.  I’m sure you will agree that in today’s world, having good credit and learning about credit is very important.  Don’t delay, schedule a credit counseling appointment today!

Each year millions of consumers turn to credit counseling agencies and debt management services for help in managing their debts. As an alternative to credit counseling, debt settlement offers to reduce consumers’ debt through negotiating with creditors.  Credit counselors, debt managers and debt settlement services all provide resources to help consumers get out of debt. State legislators and other policymakers have been raising questions regarding how these services work and whether they really help consumers to get out of debt.
