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More Than 5000 Participants Attended the Event in Edison, NJ

Over 300 Entrepreneurs from the Satmar Community Had Booths Showing How They Employ Thousands of People, Serving Customers Worldwide With an Economic Footprint Reaching Hundreds of Millions of Dollars

EDISON, N.J., July 25, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Leaders of New York and New Jersey’s Satmar community today announced the final numbers of its first every Satmar Business Expo.

More than five thousand participants attended the expo which was held at the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center in Edison, NJ.

The expo consisted of booths with over 300 entrepreneurs from the Satmar community who own and manage businesses from dozens of different industries. The businesses at the Expo employ thousands of people, serve customers around the world and pump upwards of hundreds of millions of dollars into the economy. 

“This event truly shows the success of the Satmar community as well as the success of a yeshiva education. From the financial sector to insurance to real estate to hospitality to winemaking, the Satmar Expo had it all and allowed entrepreneurs to come together to share ideas, to network, and to talk about their latest innovations and success stories. This expo highlighted the hundreds of Satmar businesses that employ thousands of people from every community and that generate millions in economic activity across the country,” said Rabbi David Niederman, Executive Director of the United Jewish Organizations.

“I grew up in a neighborhood and in a yeshiva where I learned from an early age the value of community. Therefore, when it came to my business, I made it my mission statement to be able to say that we service our customers in their communities. Skyscraper Insurance Services has helped families and businesses across the United States to protect what matters most to them, at every stage of their lives. We are ready, willing, and able to help anyone and everyone with their insurance needs, no matter where life has taken them. That means the recent college graduate looking for a simple renters insurance policy receives the same level of service and care as the national brand with 500 employees who needs someone to protect their business. It was a great honor for Skyscraper Insurance to be part of this historic Expo,” said Chaim Berkovic, President of Skyscraper Insurance.

“Some of the most successful life insurance agents in the industry are based out of our firm Mass Mutual Brooklyn with headquarters in Brooklyn. Most of our advisors are Yeshiva graduates and we are looking to expand and find more of the right talent to join our team,” said Naftali Elias with Mass Mutual, a sponsor of the Expo.

“I am a graduate of yeshiva, a native of Brooklyn and now a mortgage loan originator at ABC Mortgage. We have 15 employees who service the five boroughs. In 2021, Scotsman’s Guide ranked one of our originators the 2nd top broker in the state. It was an honor and privilege to talk about our award at the Satmar Expo and it just highlights another financial success story out of a yeshiva education,” said Hershy Silberstein from ABC Mortgage.

“This was an amazing event, I met so many professionals from across every segment in the business world, past and current clients. My education in yeshiva taught me the importance of community, partnership and how to properly analyze a deal or business venture. The vibe in the air is something that had to be witnessed first-hand to understand, and to see that the entire exhibition hall was occupied by professionals all with the same yeshiva education was an amazing sight to behold,” said Meyer Tauber, Entrepreneur and Owner of Metrex Realty.

“I am raised in Brooklyn, educated in Brooklyn and now I own and manage a business based out of Brooklyn with 2000 employees with a footprint in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and expanding to even more states. I feel the opportunities for our generation of young entrepreneurs is stronger than it has ever been before,” said Yidel Falkowitz, Owner and Founder of QFS, Quality Facility Solutions. “With young professionals pushing themselves in every market and using what they have learned while being educated in yeshivas, I see a bright and prosperous future on all fronts.”

“The expo gave me an opportunity to share new ideas with hundreds of other entrepreneurs. I am a Brooklyn native who is a graduate of the yeshiva school system. I am the founder of 3 businesses including a tile company that handles projects in homes and high rise buildings from coast to coast. It was an honor to be part of the event and I look forward to attending more,” said Shaya Liebowitz, Founder and CEO of US Tiles.

“My yeshiva education taught me about problem solving and thinking out of the box. I took those skills to the construction industry and founded my own firm with eight employees and offices in New York and New Jersey, where we have designed over 3000 homes throughout the Tri-state area. I was honored to talk about my success at the Satmar Expo last week, and I look forward to future events,” said Shimon Ostreicher CEO and founder of Bluepro Layouts Inc.

“I founded Scanovator Delivery Systems in 2017. We help over 130 local businesses in the tri-state area and beyond manage their orders, drivers, and deliveries in an efficient and cost-effective way. We are growing fast. Our algorithm optimizes best routes for drivers and notifies end-customers a few minutes prior to delivery. Drivers can sign or snap pictures of their deliveries all of which is recorded and stored for future reference as needed. As a student of the Satmar yeshiva system, studying the Talmud and other historical texts gave me the knowledge and the power to tackle online system structures and database languages head on. I created a mobile app completely on my own, which is still the core of our business today. I will forever remain grateful to my great teachers in the Yeshiva system for empowering me with such important life skills,” said Chaim Friedman, Founder of Scanovator Delivery Systems.

“We handle nationwide warehouse shelving and racking from design to sales to installation. We employ 35 people. We attended the ‘Satmar Business Expo’ to network with the thousands of entrepreneurs, business, and salespeople, and were truly amazed by the dynamic business opportunities that exist within the Satmar orthodox community as well as the spectrum of businesses that are owned and managed by members of the Satmar community,” said Marty Weiss, CEO of Bob’s Commercial Material Handling and Shelving, Inc.

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